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Azsai is a jungle - it's always wet and hot here.
Lots of waterfalls that hide caves where metal Nyanarrs used to live.
Nowadays, three towns are formed in Azsai - Iiista, Weyna, and Athra and not only metal Nyanarrs live here.

The buildings are tall and all made of hard metal, they need to be watered in biggest heats to cool down.

The nature of Azsai is said to be very beautiful, perhaps one of the most beautiful places of Gaidinia. It's relatively safe although a lot of insect found their home in the jungle as well. Some bigger than usual, some older than the place itself.




Eiras (pl. Eirasy)

Azsaian dragonfly - as some call the insect. It's not hostile towards any humanoid species and it only eats honey. It does attack the bees and the task is quite easy for Eirasy as their size is, well, a lot bigger than any Azsaian bee. Eirasy are the size of a house cat or a small dog - only the female Eirasy though. Male Eirasy are half the size and they do not attack any species, they tend to the newborn insect instead.

Eirasy have a monarchy - with two queens in each swarm - who are both equally important. They don't need male Eirasy to conceive the dragonfly offsprings.


The Towns of Azsai


Hoda (pl. Hody)

A plant with edible fruits - small blue berries. The plant itself is called "Hodaja" but the fruit is "Hoda" so everyone just calls it like that. The taste is very sweet, although some Gaidinians prefer the sour taste of not fully ripe Hody. The color is pink then. Most of the animals living in Azsai enjoy not only the fruit, but the whole plant - and so do Metal Nyanarrs! For some reason, any other humanoid cannot quite understand the taste of the green parts of the plant and only like the fruit. Perphaps the element plays a role in the taste - the ground the plant is growing on is rich in metals so that might be the reason?


- Although beautiful, Azsai is not a place for everyone. Ice Nyanarrs dislike the place for the hot weather, but Water Nyanarrs do enjoy the ponds and waters! And so do Earth Nyanarrs as the place is said to be extremely beautiful.
- If you don't like insect, you shouldn't really go there - Azsai has more than 150 unique insect species.
-  Azsai is officially the "greenest" location of Gaidinia.

- The place has high humidity but for some unknown reason, no rust has ever appeared on any metal found in Azsai.
- Azsai is known for it's unique towns and cities - such architecture cannot be found elsewhere! It's in the official list of "Places you need to visit before visiting the deities". The list is being written by the most popular magazine of Aditone called "Molten pages".
- The place is said to be one of Leslye's favorite Gaidinian locations. Leslye is the Wood Nyanarr deity!


Interesting facts



The Tree Town - all the buildings are metal bubbles hanging down the trees. They're connected with ladders, wooden bridges and branches. It might be a bit hard to get used to the town, but the citizens usually like their unique architecture. A part of the town is located near a waterfall and one of the main buildings is directly under the stream of the water. Iiista is said to be a beautiful town and the Gaidinians living there believe that each of the metal bubbles (their buildings) has a soul and is a living being.


Weyna is a steam city. It's known for its mechanics - many of the citizens are really great in working with metal and creating different machines.
Quite a lot of zeppelins and underground hideouts. Many consider this place to be the capital of business and trade. You can find even the most crazy creations available for purchase in Weyna! And if you want something straight out of a dream, just order a commission from a Weynan mechanic. The place is also known for various robo-animals. They don't need to eat or drink but they are great companions nonetheless! All they need is a bit of love, steam and screws!



The place looks like a labyrinth - a literal one. Just made of black metal. An outsider would never guess that the walls are hiding something! Inside them, you can find the Athran streets but the town itself is under the labyrinth. Obviously, there's no natural light inside their homes, but the Gaidinians living there don't seem to mind the fact at all. The place is dark and unusually cold, you can even feel the heavy air.

In case of emergency, the labyrinth can just close the gates and the citizens are safe from the outside world. 



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